yoz, got back ytd at bout 8+, didnt get as many things as i got from the last time as the whole piraetd suff is under control, veri less fake games and all, plus all those real stuff coss much more expnsive than here becuz of all the taxes, hahah, but i had fun though, bought 3 shirts, one topshop long sleeve,POC, O13, DN2, S3 dvds, Spiderman3, NFS Carbon, God Of War 2, Marvel Nemesis and Nba Phenom ps2 games, 2 shorts, no shoes, no bags, no jerseys, haha, tink no more ler, lols . oya, bought GTA : Vice City Stories on PSP!!! , haha, so fun, like playing it on Gary's ps2 last time ,lol, gotta go look for cheat codes lo, wats a gta without cheatc codes? LOL, tis gta got some new things though, u can built ur own empire, haha, via brothels, gambling dens, casinos, haha, go look now lo, bb . xD
yoz, leaving for KL tmr , list of things i want, xD
1-DVDS!!!! 2-PS2 GAMES!!! 3-MULTI-TAP 4-PSP GAMES 5-SHOES 6-SHIRTS 7-NBA JERSEYS( dun mind if they are fake though, haha ) 8-BAGS
lol, seem like veri little leh, haha, but gonna hav some of all, except the multi-tap, heehee, now can play nba 2 on 2 ler, so fun, going audition lo, bb .
jus got the new hp, n6233 MusicEdition and OMG, the speakers ROCKS! sibei loud, tink cna stack up to the n73, haha, transfering music to it now, got 512mb card, tink dun need buy 1gb ler ba . its a good deal this hp, i only paid $28 for it, haha, cuz my father the plan can upgrade, plus he got 200+ voucher, lucky me .luvv the phone, haha . too bad its white, like abut gay, haha . finally last day of remedial 2dae, also the last day we studied at the kallang bharu site, went for the talk, so sian lor, then went home with yong by bus, so tired, bb .
Finally went to school today after 5 days of mc, was sweating throughout the day though, think haven fully recover ba, didnt listen totally during geog, english did compo stuff and compre, didnt even complete, haha . then was physics, quite some time since i listen to physics lo, haha , forget most of the things ler, sad, need to study again lo . after schl cabbed home with Nard and Gene, F&N people so good, no schl, can chiong 24hr lor, haha . went home, logged in maple awhile, then nthng to do liao, sian sia tmr , whole say dnt , dun even noe wat to do with my folio, needa remem to bring psp! haha, the best thing to kill time! my new hp will be delivered this fri afternoon ba, dunoe is how de leh, nokia n6233, heard of it? haha, going to KL next week on mon lo, bb all .