Okays, seems like I'm going to be an engineer, LOL. but hope that they stop at choice number 4, i really dun wan to be under courses below choice no.4, hahas, I had to be very sure that none of these courses require drawing , like using a pencil and T-square, they qould be using CAD ( Computer Aided Design ) though, but the course manager said that all of the students would know nothing about this stuff so we'll be all equal, and if I work hard, it ain't gonna be a problem, y'all would be treated like idiots who know nohting about this course if u go in dere, think all of the courses in Polys are all like that. so we all start from the beginning ( I SUDDENLY 4GOT HOW TO SPELL ' START FROM THE SCRACH ' ) lols, no wonder i got a c6 for English. hahas, hmm, but i'm gonna work hard in poly, work hard like making new friends!!!, hahas, and playing com!, no la, jkjk, hahas, really gonna work hard, oks, i getting zzz, so Bye!
Yo ! Lols, just cam back from my daily climb-the-25-storey exercise and i realised that after the climb, sitting by the stairs, enjoying the non-stop wind blowing , the silent, while blasting some music lol, is also a form of relaxation, gotta relax from all the tense before the release of results, pople with bad results shouldnt come here though, one jump is ALL you need, lols.
Alright, my results is 26, okok,. i know is bad, but hey, i failed for my prelims lol, i imroved like 3 grades per subject except chinese which i got an A2, and i got 5 credits, did better than i expected, honestly i was prepared to go ITE, hahas, but one thing shocked me though, Adrian Oh, LOL, walau, adrian u sibe pro la, study nvr tell us, everyday MAPLE, AUDI, DAL and you hav 15 for L1R4? aiseh, qiang la, lols. Oh yea, and I submitted my 12 choices to Poly lol, now i just hope and pray that my first choice does not require drawing and the course looks fun, lol .
Diploma in Electronics, Computer & Communications
Innovation is the key to success in today's globalised world! In this high-tech digital age, our lifestyle is greatly enriched by innovative electronic products such as notebooks, PDAs, handphones, digital entertainment and gaming devices and broadband internet access systems. The Diploma in Electronics, Computer & Communications Engineering grooms you to become a successful innovative and enterprising professional with access to many attractive and exciting career opportunities in the aerospace, electronics, telecommunications, semiconductor, biomedical, defense, info-communications and media, and many other high-growth industry sectors. With our academically-strong and practice-oriented programme, you will acquire the critical knowledge and skills in key technologies that are in high demand by industries. You will have opportunities to learn important technologies such as aerospace electronics, embedded systems, IC design, wireless broadband, HDTV technology, micro & nano technology, biomedical and life sciences and alternative energy. You will be given the opportunities to develop skills to prepare you for professional roles in the industry, including skills in product creation, system integration, creative thinking and, of course, entrepreneurship. You can even learn a foreign language! You will have opportunities to excel in competitions, gain industry certifications and experience working with industry professionals on projects within NYP and at industry attachment. You will get the chance to experience the different cultural and business lifestyles in other countries through the Overseas Industrial Attachment Programme and other international projects. Many of our graduates have successfully pursued further studies in local or overseas universities, while others have attained senior appointments in companies or have become technopreneurs, running their own businesses. In the first two years, you will acquire broad-based expertise in electronics, computer and communications engineering (ECC). You will also get to pick up interesting new skills in business, technopreneurship, e-commerce, life sciences, emerging areas such as micro and nano technology, alternative energy, and even learn a foreign language.
LOL, dunoe, seems kinda fun to me, and it requiores a computer, i wan ! lols. others mostly from RP de la, but RP more far lol, RP Woodlands, NYP Ang Mo Kio, and RP the studying 'style' different from other Polys, but no matter which Poly i go and i will work hard la, dun be like sec4 like tat liao la, hahas, siao liao la, i watching Power Rangers and its Season 1 de lols, the firts one, i tink i didnt watch be4 when i was young cuz it was in 1993, and i was 2 yrs old, i only stated when i was 4 yrs old, haha, and i remembered this kid from my Childcare , he was K2 i tink, i was like Nursery 4? he go haolian his SMALL figurines , lol, next day i bought my MEGAZORDS, haha, we ended up playing together lol, wow, 4 yrs old means 13 yrs back, time FLIES, and now end of secondary schl life, and i didnt get to say goodbye to everyone lol, hmm, might have no chance to meet ler ba, wonder how it will be like 10 yrs later? working? slacking? haahs, we'll see. =D
Yo guyz, haven't been uploading for a long time, lol. Been going to Gym/Swimming everyday and I mean everyday lol, haha, lost 7 kg permanent haha, left 6kg to go back to my perfect EX-BODY, lols. nvm, I am not THAT fat right??? RIGHT? ok, nvm lol. Nightmares about O Levels Results had been increasing, dunoe why leh, parents did not put any pressure on me, haix, at the most ITE lor, SHATEC damn ex la, one semester 4k, finish studies about 20k liao, actually still think i can do Mechatronics but then i noe need to DESIGN, THEN SIAN1/2, let's just w8 and see, on the 25th? or 28th? lol, quick quick take better la lols, and i wan a happy CNY. lols. Met up with Jef and Kar Wai on Wed, Kar Wai told me to go Penisula Plaza to buy sknny jeans and clothers and my father brought me dere the next day, hahas, bought red top and balck skinny jeans, gotta save on clothes for CNY tis yr, my wadrobe is almost literally FULL of clothes, but then again if i get bad results, i might just wear black the whole CNY, lol, haha, jkjk, i'm fine with any results now ler ba, gotta blame myself on not studying for like 3yrs and 9months, its already a miracle i'm not in Normal Acad, maybe in NA abit better lor, see all those sec5 all so qiang, haix, nvm, dun tink liao, enjoy the days i hav haha. Oh yea, jus downloaded Silent Hill on psp, played it for 3 hrs and deleted it, HAHA, too damn scary, u dun believe u try playign it with earphones and in a DARK DARK room, i will get nightmares lol, i even get nightmares from playing Resident Evil 4, lol, i tink i more suitable for games like fighting or stuff, haha, i go try the new game Wen told me about ba, GrandChase or smthng, hmm, next time i upload might be on results day, so cya, if i live.........................
Nb la, my creative zen stone got into a swim =.= Threw my jeans into the washing machine without taking it out , sian sia, ARGH, =(((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((
LOL, some photos took at Vivo at Countdown Party, hahas, they tried to act gay at the end, lols. Had been an uneventful week, bball ytd for like 2+ hrs, went home, audi awhile then sleep lol, slpet at 10, hahas, quite rare lol, later going for gym session, maybe update later again, Byes =D
Yoz, just bought Creative Zen Stone Plus, actually wan buy ipod nano de but i wan save money for other things lol, now damn tired, gonna go to slp , bb!
Pics took dere, the fire and wreckage at the top are fro Universal Studios, whre they film blockbusters, lol, pics above is Alcatrax Island and Golden Gate Bridge featured in X Men3, hahas, LOL.
1st January 2008, haix, time FLIES, lols. Went to VivoCity with Gary, Shirlene, Wilson, David and Tuguy for the countdown, loads of ppl, lol, actually intended to watch movie but AVP2 was FULLY BOOKED, literally, all slots red all the way into midnight, hahas, then slacked ard, MingYang and Eugene.W came and left, LOL, then slacked ard, bought drinks and went up to the garden or smthng for the show lol, but we sat by the side, slacked, stoned, talked abit, lols.Then until 11 then performance started to be quite nice, What I've Done, Bleed It Out and others performed by Live The Dream ppl, but NO Victor Tang, hahas. then at 12, fireworks, after tat went to take PHOTOS, hahas, ddamn funny, upload when I got them, hahas, then went ot meet Gene at CoffeeBean, Yong at Outram Park then went to eat supper then i went home, too tired to play bbal afterwards, time was 2am tat time, lol.