Ytd was teacher's day! Met Jef, Bot, Diana, Nard, Yong and Stan at Sims Drive market in the morn , then walked to GMS, bot nearly couldnt in cuz he wear slippers! =.= Chatted with Miss Ng, Theseira, Lao Chai, LFL, some teachers werent dere or we couldnt find them lols, but aniway, I missed schl alot! After tat, they al came to my house, squeezed into my room lols. Left at about 1+ and headed to Plaza to buy tics for Death Race, nice movie, jus the type I like. Movie ended quite early, like ard 6+, went to play bball, tired day ytd, slpt at 11+, lols . Now sibe sian, maybe gg for ball alone for abit, hahas. C y'all ard. ;D
HEY Y'ALL, I'M 17 TODAY! Had a great day, tks all for the wishes and presents! Had Swensens with my parents in the afternoon, then went to buy my bball. After that went to find Stan and Yong at cc to play ball! Hahahas, so tired. Oh ya, friday gang lets meet 7.30am on Fri! XD.
Rrright, DE paper today, quite ok i suppose? Dont wanna tink about it, hahas. Anyway, was intending to go Escape with Adon, Jf, Jy and Grace, made our way dere, found out that it was closed at weekdays, lols, can only come on weekends and schl holidays, another time i guess, hahas. Went to e-hub for K-Box! 1pm to 6pm, the service guy is so much better than the one at suntec! Went home after singing, then yong called to play ball! Lols, back now. TIME TO WATCH HOT-SHOT! BYE !
AMATUER PHOTOTAKER! Meteor ( Tempo Team Name) and Jef the Gatorade Boy Friday Gang! ;D, ( CAN WE HAVE A NAME PLS?)
Went to schl ytd to study abit of DE! Met zl and yk at mac, then waited for the others to come at the library, studied abit, then i left to meet FG ( friday gang) Lols. Went to the airport, search for Popeyes! Hahas, turns out T1 and T3 also have. Popeyes considered expensive compared to prices in the states, USA chicken more expensive when fly over to singapore? LOLs, but their mash potatoes were nice. Then went over to T3, the viewing mall dere sucks! Mirror everywhre, how the hell do they expect people to see a thing at night? See reflections only! Lols, slacked dere, they play psp, quite sian! Lols, then took skytrain back to T2 then trained home. Oh ya, I WANNA STUDY TMR!!! SHIT, I SHOULD BE STUDYING NOW! =x . Ok, i'mma go find something i can do! Hahahas.
Lols, finally could do EC lei!! Even though the pass/fail is 50/50, i'm still happy XD. Tks to my classmates for teaching me!!! ;DDD Went to Suntec after the exam with Adon, Jf and Zl, i wanted visit Nokia and see what they can do about that volume button, and Zl wanted to buy Baby Pooh ( Baby Pool ) LOL. Went to Nokia and they told me if i wanted to put back that freaking button will cost 80bucks, i might as well buy a new phone! Sad, i can only change it next yr, my mother offered to lend her mine but the speakers too soft! Lol, nvm i jus use nokia, need change volume must poke the small small button with nails. Hahas, then went to Toysrus to find Baby pooh! Lols, found it, went to FoodRepublic rest then go home alr.
Woke up, watched AND1 on espn, on com, day-dream then went for basketball prac, ps if i nvr jio anyone, wanted to practise with myself, midrange shooting and rebounding. Raining when i walking dere lor, damn sian, then heng there got those Ghost Festival thingy, got those shelter type, hahas, like indoor court, but i kept hitting those fans though, freaking low 'roof'. Played for 3 hrs , went home and here I am, hahas. Aight, gotta go bathe, cya.
I love this song! Soo nice. Imeem dun have Yoga's edition, only Jay's live edition. Sian.
Studied at schl library , ECC tmr! Studied till like 6, then went to Bugis with Adon, Jf, and Zl to eat Seoul Garden. Had lotsa fun in dere, hahas, the EYE, the ICE-CREAM, the EGG, the SPOON, hahahs. So damn full! After tat walked ard for awhile then went home, too tired to study now, hope i wont forget those stuff tmr! Gg rest le ;D
Damn, my room's light jus spoiled, not the bulb though, smthng to do with the strter, lols, now my room like some kind of hardcore lan shop LOL, hurting my eyes sia! Oh well nvm, w8 till tmr.
Today!! -Met up with classmates to zl's aunt's condo's function room to study, lols. We DID study abit, but the last 1hr+ were plain talking and laughing, hahas. Left at about 5+, then i waited for jef at kembangan till like 6.45, trained down to Marina to meet Manda, Stan, Yong and Bot, there were some Polytechnic exhibition or smthng, NYP dere was a F1 Stimulator, Jason Leong was dere! hahas, talked to him abit, then tried it, walau, sibe difficult sia, at first i though like max tune lol, pedal to the medal, then the car jus spun lols. Fun sia, the accelerator like real car, must slowly slowly release, even str8 road also canot step down pedal, jitao spin ar lols.After tat went to Food Court eat BAN MIAN, then shopped ard Watsons, TopShop, alright I'll be going back dere to buy that top when I work! Went to Starbucks to buy fraps, then walked to Esplanade rooftop to take pics, some amatuer photographers were dere, quite enthu sia! hahas, took the lift down to the mrt link or smthng, TMD, tio scared in the lift!!!! I really got scared for that few seconds! And I was still intending to frighten Amanda! lols, be4 tat i still go prank yong, see la, my turn!!! lols. After tat went 7-11 buy drinks then home already, hahas, next week set! No mre racking of whre to go, CHANGI AIRPORT SEE AREOPLANES. SET XDD. Aight,I'm off to see that Negara KuKu video! LOL . Pics will be up next post. Byes. ;D
Morning went to DE lecture, 10am!!!, nearly couldn't wake, lols. Heng got go though, understand quite abit, jus hope can remember, after lecture met Jy then went Plaza eat, decided on pizza hut, me jy, adon, grace, zl and jf, lols, me and jy share 4 person meal! Lols, ok la hols i sure go workout , cfm plus CHOP. After tat went Starbucks 'study', got study abit hor!, abit of DE then sit down dere talk talk, lols. After tat go plaza dere walk ard daiso, yamaha, macdonald's then home alr, sibe tired sia, tmr gg Zl's aunt's condo, heard its near East Coast, cool. Lols dunoe they got swim anot, but tmr Friday aka F4-5 day so I tink I dun wan ba, shit, 4 mre days to semestral!!!! Jy all. ;D
WOW, May 08, last post, LOL. Right, many many many many things had happened since then, its like more than 3 months ago? Anyway, i wun blog about all those though, jus like to say that I'm having a good time with my poly classmates be it studying or just slacking around, going out with Friday peeps and basketball AND I would be blogging regularly, hahas. SIAN LA, semestral exams strting next Monday, shit, I really cant study at home, although going out to plaza or watever place to study cant study much but at least its better than at home! At home its like, open notes, getting sleepy, approach the bed, and just SLEEP FOR 3 HRS. Like wtf? really must study, at first I still thought today go DE Lecture or smthng then can go study, but then postpone, tink I must really go to a library or smthng or jus the market like I did during the O's. Now i really got like no FEEL to study sia, nvm, tmr really shld strt liao , shit. Oh and really, I will blog! hahahas.