WOOTS, F1 ENGINE SOUND MAKES ME HIGH. Its like sooooo loud, could even hear it from my house be4 i left lols. Went to the prac run with my dad cuz we got those passes or something, those cars totally rocks! Couldnt get a pic cuz all i can get is a glimpse, so can only take pics. Great sound, great cars, i love it. Hhahahas, Lewis Hamilton kicks Fernando's ass in prac run, first blackie aint too bad eh? hahas, Ferrari lost to Mclaren, hahas, its amazing how fast they complete their laps! Its like, WOW. Woohoo, ppl go there wore ear plugs! Hahas, i didnt wear though, once in a year, why cover up, ahahas. Oh and had buffet for dinner at SRC after awhile there, love it! Fish fillet baked in cheese, beef steak , hahahs.
Hey y'all, went on a short lil shopping by myself today =D . Didnt see any clothes i fancy but bought some stuff though. Lols, went to bugis and back in less than 2 hrs lols.
Hahs! I bought a new one after i broke the first one =.= Lols Jef, remember this? Lols i bought another one to blast during bball lols, its on discount aniway.
Hey y'all! D: Sad, I'm done with gastric flu! Vomited alot on Sunday! Zz, went to bball court awhile then cmi go home alone =.= AND TODAY MY LAPPIE BROKE DOWN WHEN I TIRED TO REFORMAT IT ( SEE LA, ACT CLEVER! ) I followed the guide lor, sian now must wait 3-5 working days, zzz, which is like next Monday? and its still not confirm, wats confirm is now i have NO COM TO USE AT HOME! SIan, so now i'm at bugis lan, hahas. Oh ya btw, one thing to be happy about, I PASSED ALL MY EXAMS! All though is all Ds and Cs, its becuz my common test pulled me down okay?! But oh well, i'm happy to pass and i'm gonna freaking study for everything the next sem cuz EVERY THING COUNTS, great, now i got a super low gpa! D: Oh well, since i'm at lan, i aint gonna spend more time blogging, Holler!
Sooo damn erxin right?! Its in Singapore lei! Compass Point de Mac. Next time think twice when you get curry from Mac ar! Alright, a week since i blogged, life's good, but kinda sian, hahas. Work at my dad's office, play ball , play ps2, slp, and all over again, lols. I wanna go out! Maybe tmr going out, tat queensway guy havent called me, i wan my new jersey!
Oh and had i mentioned? Amare Stoudemire is my new favourite player in the league! Shaq too! #32 and #1( both of my jersey's number ) , they carried it! Hahhas, Amare used 32 when he strted, and 1 looks nice also! Aight, i'mma go play my nba 08 dynasty mode, holler!
Hey y'all, at JB now, hahas, greatt day! Reached here about 2?, traffic jam at customs, lol. Aniway, the connection here sucks! Keep dc, lols, but its better than none though. Bought mostly games, and 2 dvds. Oh ya, and a new ps2 controller, wireless, hahas. Way cheaper here! And er, a ring , and Dye+Cut hair, and yea, tat's all, hmm, got wat i needed aniway, hahas, just watched coach carter, love it! Oh ya, here's a quote in the movie,
What is your deepest Fear ?
"Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, 'Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented and fabulous?' Your playing small doesn't serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. It is not just in some of us, it is in everyone, and as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others."
From: Marriane Williamson
Right, now I'm missing basketball! Though my leg and back hurts like hell after playing with those grown-up army boys with big ass muscles last night, hahas, shld be bac ard evening tmr, can play then, hahas, ahh, gotta sleep early 2night, late sleeping causes slow hair grow, no wonder my hair grows slow like shit, sleeping at 3 everyday! Lols, tonight i try 12, hahas. Aight, gonna go test out those dvds that i bought, holla!
Lol, Bot wearing Mr Lee's shoes and Diana's jacket
Dinner at some quite high class jap restaurant
My Cousin, 2yrs old and speaks like a 4 yr old, LOL.
Soooo tired, pulled my left leg muscle, zz, hurts so much when walking, but its fine for the sake of basketball! Love my new molten ball, I'm gonna practise whenever I can this holiday! I want and WILL get better! Hhahas, aniway, I'll be going to JB tmr for a lil shopping trip, hahas. Meanwhile, I'll just wait for the RAIN to stop then I'm off to ball! Byes ;D