Went to Novena to meet Jy Zl Jf and James and then went to Orchard to meet Aaron, went to Lucky Plaza, then Wisma and then to Taka to shop for tailor pants that's needed for next Monday's Com Skills presentation. G2000 had a season sale, hahas, pants for 33bucks, bought those and then went to Centrepoint. Hhahas, went to find Fiona at BREADTALK, lols, keep ask me go away! Hhahas, aniway, went off early as i was meeting with FG for ball, hahas.
Its New Year Eve tmr, TIME FLYING FUCKING FAST la seh. It really seems as though ytd that i went for Poly orientation and stuff. Sian la, everybody in hols while poly strt schl D:
Aniway, i'm off to play Angel Arena and Fifa Online 2, ahahs, cya!
At Settler's cafe with Hokkaido-ers ;DD Midnight at the playground! ;D Sup y'all! Fun day today!
First , met up with Hokkaido-ers at dhoby ghaut, then went over to Settler's Cafe at SMU. Great place for gatherings! Had so much fun with those bone games or smthng, super sad i have to leave early cuz i had to go meet with the FRIDAY GANG ;D , was feeling guilty towards nard they al and also the hokkaido-ers , sorry for making u wait and sorry for pangseh-ing halfway! :X
Hahhas, after meeting FG, went to cathy and back to plaza and back to cathy again, hahahs. Yes Man was fully booked! And we had 11 ppl so even if they are seats they arent enuff, hahs. Decided on Bedtime Stories, it was like FULLY PACKED LA, as in , every single seat! Lols, funny movie, Adam Sandler rocks! hahahas. Went to play awhile at LAN, then went for dinner at Mac, Shan and diana went off first. Bus-ed down to Sims Drive cause we couldnt thought of any place to go, hahas. Bought Heiniken and went to the market to slack and play cards, hahas, i taught them how to play PIG! Hahahas. Oh ya, and ter drank one bottle of Heniken by himself in like 5min and his face got all RED, like tomato LOLS. Omg i'm like so tired and dun feel like typing any more, hahas.
Oh btw, although i dun celebrate christmas, Merry Christmas to y'all. ;D
OMG Can u believe it? I AM OFFICIALLY A BOTAK!!!!!!!!
Hahhahas. Ter's reaction was like LOL. Hey, it aint a bad thing, first time i dun hav to style my hair in the morning, keep sweeping my fringe when i'm playing ball! And its quite cooling! Only thing is tat i've to worry about what to wear cause i gotta wear a cap! hahahs. Going to Dave's guitar concert later at ard 6? Meanwhile, i'm gonna think of what to do cause its too sunny to go play ball now! Hhahas, ok i shall go play my freaking old ps2! Bye y'all
Omg i'm still feeling a lil sad as Singapore is freaking hot! Lols, its like -2 to -7 degree over there for the first 4 days la, so fun! No insects no sweat! Took like 400+ pics la, but then upload them next time, hahas. I'll jus upload tour peeps pics first ;D Oh ya, peeps from the tour! WeiSien, WeiWen, WeiLing, LanXin, Fiona, fiona's bro, YongQian, WeiXiang, Weijie, and my cousins. Hhahas, strange, we only played together until the second last day. lols. Played daidi, cheat, PIG! New game i learnt! We were like so noisy la, hahas, ONE ONE ONE ONE ONE TWO TWO TWO TWO TWO, LOLOLS. & on the last day we all wore pajamas and ran from our hotel to the airport! Freaking Cold! All wore like shorts and slippers! Hhahas, it was real fun! OK shall blog about the trip!
Arrived at Nagoya and then transitted to Sapporo, biggest city in Hokkaido, and then made our way to some lake or smthng, didnt noe how to spell it in english though. But when i saw the snow i was like omgomgomgomg. Its so like smooth compared to those in the US or china, hahas. Everything was so white! The view was like literally black white grey, snowy roads, snowy mountains, snow all over the cars. So cold but so beautiful. & then we went to our first hotel . It was a hot spring hotel, oh almost every hotel was a hot spring hotel, but first night i slept at 7+pm!, which is like 6pm in SG. It gets dark over there ard 4pm! can u imagine? 4pm is the time i go balling, hahahs .
Went to this volcano, freaking smelly la, the sulphur, but then again, there was nice scenery! After tat, went to this Bear Museum, nothing much, jus big bears standing up waiting for u to feed them. Then went for a boat ride in the super cold lake. Next was the best! SnowMobile! Its like those REAL snowmoblies, like those in the movies, couldnt get it too fast though, fastest i went was 30km/h, and its like in the SUPER SUPER SNOWY MOUNTAINS. Drove up to like the highest point and then down, entire ' snowmobile drive ' took around 1hr? After that went to a place called Otaru, its like heavily influenced by the Europe culture, the hotels the houses, its so so nice. Oh the dinner buffet at Mountain Hotel was the best. The snow there rocks! Its super super white!
Went shopping in Otaru town, everything there looks like Usa or smthng, the shops and all. Tasted Hokkaido ice-cream there, and there's tis coffeeshop, they sell u the coffee, u keep the cup! Hahahs.
Went to this Sake Factory, and then took a cable car up a mountain for snow playing! Again, super beautiful view. Didnt ski though, my parents were afraid i would break a limb or smthng, hahas.
Went to a chocolate factory! the exterior looks like willy wonka's factory somehow! hahahahs. Oh and theres also a toy factory in there too. Went to the Red Light District at night! LOL, so weird la, but its nothing like Geylang LOL. Night at the hotel was fun! Tat was like the first time the 'kids' in the tour talked and played! Hahas, went to the lounge or smthg to play cards, made a great deal of noise! hahas.
Last day in Hokkaido as we'll be flying a domestic flight bac to Nagoya. Went to a factory outlet be4 the flight. SO SAD LA, the shoes so cheap, all freaking small! Biggest size there is 11! Mine is 13! =((( Bought levis top and jeans aniway. =D Then went to the airport for the domestic flight alr. Hahas, when we reached the small hotel in Nagoya, meet at 10pm to play again! Spilt into two tables as the tables were small. Played till like 1+ am, and then we all felt bored so we IN OUR PJS, ran to the airport! hahahahs. Hhahas, the airport's like so deserted, with jus two policeman down there lols. Took pics in the girls toilet, the boys toilet, hahahahs. I went to sleep at 2+ though, they all go ton! hahas. & then i slept like duno wat on the plane, totally wasted the inflight entertainment!
Okays! I shall upload the scenery pics next time! Meanwhile i gonna go prepare to play ball! Havent done tat in a week! Oh and i'm gonna cut botak tmr!!!!!! SO NERVOUS! hahas, aight, i'mma see y'all ard!
Ahh! Had a severe leg cramp ytd while balling, like so so long since i had such a cramp, i'm like literally lying on the floor lols, AND BEFORE THAT I HAD A HIT ON MY YOU-KNOW-WHRE! Lols, bad day i guess, hahas, oh but i'm lucky i didnt fall while driving to the basket and nearly tripped on someone's foot, IF i falled, i guess i'm gonna get a huge huge scolding from my parents lols, and i cant go overseas, hahas. Oh did i mention, i'm going overseas tmr on a midnight flight, coming bac on the 20th, oh and i'll be meeting jef on the 21st to get my buzzcut! hahahas. Oh so sad, Shaq's grandma passed away and he's missing the Lakers Suns game right now , and Suns is down by 3 cuz Raja Bell and Boris Diaw were involved in a trade that brings OMG Jason Richardson !!! 3pt shooter plus 2 time nba slam dunk champion, ohhh suns gonna be bac! But apparently Boris Diaw wasnt happy with the Suns casue he said ' We went from a winning team to a half winning team ' & I guess he's talking about the marion-shaq trade, since shaq went to Suns, they couldnt do the ' 7 seconds or less offense ' cuz . sad to say, shaq was old. And D-Antoni got fired, =( But i guess its all gonna change! Now with Shaq-Amare-Nash-Richardson-Barbosa! yea i tink they will hav a chance, hahas. Aight i'm off to watch the game live on justin.tv. Take care when i'm away y'all ;D
Electric Prin today, SHALL NOT TALK ABOUT IT. But i tried my best, lols, so its okay. =D
Accompanied Jy to Tampiness Mall after brunch at schl for his work, hmms, wanted to get a hat when i cut botak and he could giv discount, hahas, so went there. Ahh, X-Craft much much cheaper than 77th sia, gonna go dere next time. So bought a cap, a SUPERMAN belt and magnet ear studs ( gonna lose them aniway) and then i went home.
Shit i so wanna have a buzzcut but its gonna take me a yr to grow bac to my present hair =(
BUT nvm, shld be ok, except tat almost everyone u know will try to touch ur head, tats all , aint tat bad, LOL D: Aight, i'mma have a quick nap then i'm off to play ball, Bye y'all
2 tests down, 2 to go. Well, guess maths a complete flunk like @#$%&*. Hmms, think tmr's Electrical Principles shld be quite ok, i guess... Hahahs, after like studying for the exam and this common test, i realized something about me. It is like..
For example, i didnt study the module since the sem strted and the test is here, i get all jittery and strted studying like ants on hot wok, so i began studying, strangely, i can do those revision paper! But then again, when its the real test, i tend to forget alot of stuffs. But hey! this shows i can be very good if i studied from the strt! hahas, well, after the hols i shall really start to study!
BUT NOW, i have a new hobby, PLAYING GUITAR! Its like so fun, and i tink its the only insturment u can play to play ur fav songs w/o long yrs of learning like piano or smthg, for now, i only know chords like G D C E A. hahas, but i only wanted to play G D C very well BECUZ Chris Brown's With You ' easy version " can be played with those 3 chords, hahas. Oh ya, and me and terrance strted a new pirate character together! HAHAS, its like sooo lame, hitting snails OVER AGAIN! Our igns are AgentZer0 and AgentZer0x, hahaahahahahahhas. Well, i'mma go practise my guitar so c y'all next time!
Sian, shall not talk about it, haahahas, its over! After test went to Far east with selva and Adon for their hair extensions, took about one hr? Then ate Subway for lunch ;D Shit, i'm spending alot of money but i duno whre i spent it on! After lunch went home alr, yong came my hm for awhile then went for balling, but then it rains! Only played like a few matches.
Oh btw, I got a udden urge to shave my head or buzzcut! $%&*, i keep thinking sia, but i intend to cut on 28th Dec,hahhs, last day of hols, then i shall wear a cap everyday, lols.
Oh and these two songs totally rocks my socks!
Superhuman - Chris Brown feat Keri Hilson
WeakI have been crying and crying for weeks How'd I survive when I can barely speak Barely eat, On my knees But that's the moment u came to me I don't know what your love has done to me Think I'm invincibleI see though the me I used to be You changed my whole life Don't know what your doing to me with your love I'm feeling all super human, you did that to me A super human heart beats in me Nothing can stop me here with you Super human StrongSince I've been flying and righting the wrongs Feels almost like I've had it all along And I can see tomorrow Where every problem is gone because I flew everywhere with love inside of me It's unbelievable to see how love can set me free You changed my whole life Don't know what your doing to me with your love I'm feeling all super human, you did that to me A super human heart beats in me Nothing can stop me here with you Super human It's not a bird, not a plane It's my heart and it's going, gone away My only weakness is you Only reason is you Every minute with you I can feel like I can do anything Going going, I'm gone away in love You changed my whole life Don't know what your doing to me with your love I'm feeling all super human, you did that to me A super human heart beats in me Nothing can stop me here with you Super human
I Wanna Be - Chris Brown
Look. I know we've been friends for a while now. But, I just feel like I can confess to you. It's gonna be hard but. Alright here it goes... [Verse 1:] Imagine that the pillow that you cried on was my chest, and the tissue that you wiped your face with was my hand. Girl, imagine: if you needed advise about some other guy, I'm the one that comes to mind. Not tryna hear you tell nobody that I'm just a friend, just trying to make sure I'm that body that you call your man, and anytime you need a shoulder -- it's yours, night or day,but what I'm tryna say is, I wanna be...
The last number you call late at night (said I wanna be) ,The first one that you dial when you open your eyes. Wanna be the one you run to,wanna be the one that ain't gonna hurt you, I wanna be yeah, I wanna be yeah.. Be the man making your girl jealous, be the guy shuttin' down all the fellas.. whatever you need, girl, it's all on me:soldier, your friend or your lover, girl, I wanna be...
[Verse 2:]
Would it be cool? Would you mind if I called you my boo, what if the next whip you was pushin' was the one I bought for you? Can I be the one that meets your pops and take your mama shoppin', be the only one they like? Have you thought about it -- wait -- really thought about it? Maybe you should take some timecall your girls and talk about it, yeah.' cause I done already made up my mind, don't need no more time to know if I wanna be with you, I wanna be...
[Verse 3:] Put me on your screen saver, all over your myspace and make me one of your top favorites, that's where I wanna be... The one you cryin' for (stand up for and fightin' for)wanna be your good, bad, love, hate girl..
[x2] Cross my heart hoped to die, on everything that's good,I'm gonna do you right, show you right, get this understood.
[Chorus]Girl I wanna be, I wanna be.... [sigh]I wanna be, I wanna be...
Hmms, Sep 28 last post, ahahahas. Sianna, Dec alr, super fast sia. And common tests are coming! Tmr AE, tues Maths wed EP, seems like the only sub i studied is AE. ahahas, ton twice this week at Jy's house, lotsa fun! hahas, first time do AE Proj , tues went to study AE, hahas, played 5-10 at night, i drunk after awhile lols, then took a video, super super funny siaa! Sian, now at maths lecture, still got equiz afterwards and i cant even get a hang of it lor. Ahh, gota go now for quiz alr! Hahahas, gtg, oh and i will blog AGAIN, promise, ahahas. Cya. Maybe some of the pics took at jy house will post later, hahas.