Tuesday, January 26, 2010
, 7:52 PM
Whaddup yall.
Tired like hell so I'mma give jogging a skip today! ;D Anyway, my MP project PCB is complete! Just tried it out on my com, it works fine! Hope the board doesnt have any problem when I go find the teacher tmr though. Re-Soldered some cold joints and it worked! HAHA, I'm so getting better at soldering! ;D
Oh, and today's last lesson of Comm Skills, I think all of our class did pretty well, HAHA. * Oscar Awards * Slept through DNC tutorial as usual, wtf is wrong with that teacher anyway man, a simple sms ringtone can lead to 3 min of nagging. Stupid ass.
Anyway, I'm so disliking this one guy man, I mean damn I had enough. I think he aint' gonna read my blog anyway so fuck it, I'm just gonna say my feelings.
First off, when your classmate of like 1-2 years ask u for a question, and you KNOW it, you simply answer with a ' DONT KNOW LEY ' , whats that man. And when people are talking and it aint even your problem, so why the fuck you have to say ' KAOPEI LA '
For what? Impressing girls? Please man, even your classmate say so, ppl got bf alr la, dont be so thick skin for you own fucking good sake. Even your OWN classmate think that of you. Oh and if you're reading this, let me let you in on so tip which is that ppl alr dont like you no more, so dont push your limit.
Rightt, I dont normally do bitching on a blog but cuz this certain person didnt really offended me yet I'm just blogging how I feel . So, if you really happen to see this and you aint happy , feel free to come and find me man. But, if you dont wanna say nothin, go home under your blanket and think it over man.
Aight, I'mma go relax cause my work is all done ( More or less so. ;D )
Peace Out.